Did you know we provide Acupuncture in our clinics?
We have Chiropractors who are Certified in Acupuncture at a variety of Axcess Accident Center locations. Multiple doctors are certified in Acupuncture and can help with neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, and more. Acupuncture can also help with anxiety, indigestion, migraines, and other health problems.
We strive to provide a 5-star experience for each patient. If you have been in an Auto Accident recently acupuncture is a modality of healing that can be used and paid for by your auto insurance.
In Utah, every person who has Auto Insurance coverage has medical coverage built in no matter how much you pay for auto insurance. Find a location that provides acupuncture near you in Provo, or American Fork by calling us today at 801-701-8222.