How Does Acupuncture Therapy Work?
There are acupuncture points situated all across your body. Sometimes the points used in acupuncture are not anywhere close to where you are experiencing pain. When treating specific types of pain we will be sure to let you know the areas we will focus on in your treatment.
Acupuncture therapy uses hair-thin, solid, metallic needles that are inserted at specific points through your skin and inserted at differing depths into the skin offering relief from pain as well as offer other therapeutic benefits.
Be assured that most patients feel little to no pain as the needles are inserted. In fact, some report that they feel more energized by acupuncture treatment, and others report they feel more relaxed.
Benefits of Acupuncture
Acupuncture therapy has been known to treat pain and other health difficulties such as lower back, neck, headache and muscle pain from accidents and injuries.
Did you know it can also be helpful in treating other health difficulties such as anxiety, insomnia, nausea, digestive problems, menstrual problems, weight control, infertility, and more?
“We’ve seen firsthand the powerful effects of combining traditional Western medical treatments with acupuncture. We encourage you to consider acupuncture as a complementary therapy; it’s a safe, natural, and effective way to support your health journey and achieve a balanced state of wellness.“
Adam Anderson & Steve Baker
Axcess Accident Center Difference
Treatment For All
What Age Range Can We Treat and Adjust?
We have helped people of all ages. Because no one is exempt from the chance of being injured in a car accident, no one is exempt from pain or injury. Regardless of your age, or your family member’s age we can help.
Our bodies experience different types of pain because our bodies are all unique, and age definitely influences the way our bones, muscles, and joints work together. We are experienced and certified chiropractors that continually seek to expand on our knowledge about how our bodies and bones work in order to treat pain or discomfort and to prevent further injury using the best technology and methodology for the best results possible.
Adam Anderson