Most people are looking for a chiropractor near them when they search. In American Fork Axcess Accident Center offers Chiropractic, Massage, Acupuncture, Decompression, Ozone Injections, Electric stim, and other rehab therapies. We focus on getting injured patients better through a integrative and collaborative approach. At Axcess we know there is not a specific cookie cutter approach and that each patient has specific health needs and wants when getting better.

Our mission at Axcess Accident Center, located in West Valley, is “Living Your Extraordinary Life” this is for our staff, doctors and patients. We find that most people can get on board with such a mission. This allows us to look beyond what we can only offer in our clinic and look for all possible solutions to the problem. We often see auto accident injuries, sports injuries, slip and falls, chronic back and neck pain, pain from sleeping wrong, extremity pain (pain in the elbows, knees, wrists and ankles), and many other types of pain issues. We also work with people who want maintence or consistent chiropractic adjustments to maintain opitimal health.

Maintaining a persons optimal health can be simple when approached from a few different angles. Chiropractic and massages, eating healthy, and exercise are the top three. Nutrition and diet play a large role in this. We can help guide or give advice on this, but in the end it is up to the patient to do their part with eating healthy. Eating an diet full of inflammatory foods (fried, processed, and full of sugar) makes it harder for the body to perform at an optimal level. We offer memberships in our clinics that can help each patient maintain the health level they desire.

Auto Accident Injury in West Valley City, Utah

If a patient has been in a car accident and has injuries related to that auto accident we are specialists in treating those injuries. Axcess Accident Center has been treating auto accident injuries for over 15 years and between all of our providers we have over 60+ years of experience. 4 of our doctors have family members that are Chiropractors as well in Utah or other states. Treating auto accident injuries is one of our passions and we strive to provide treatment options that will get an injured patient back to their desired health and activity level they previously had. Auto Accident injuries can cause chronic problems, however, getting treatment immediately after an auto accident can help prevent the likely hood of this risk. Schedule now and getting feeling better.

We look forward to serving the West Valley City community with Chiropractic care along with the surrounding communities of South Salt Lake, Taylorsville, Magna, Kearns, Salt Lake City, Millcreek, and Alpine Meadows. We often find our chiropractic patients are willing to drive a little to get the 5 star experience we offer. With over 250+ five star reviews we feel like we are able to provide this experience consistently.

Overall, when looking for a chiropractor near american fork we find that we are located in an optimal area at 2250 S. Redwood Rd, Ste 2 in West Valley.

You can call us directly at the West Valley at 385-275-0072 or text us at the same number. Thanks for considering us when looking for a Chiropractor near me in West Valley.

Published On: November 1st, 2023 / Categories: Auto Accident / Tags: , /

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