Many people ask should I get adjusted? Do I need chiropractic care?
I then ask them if they take care of their car, or bike, or anything else they would use daily.
Of course, some people do not maintain their vehicles or things they use daily, but there is then the fact of how long will it last. Your body, like anything else you use daily, requires maintenance and many other things to operate efficiently and for the length that it was originally intended to last.
To answer the question of needing chiropractic care…the answer is yes. Chiropractic treatment will help the body last longer, be more effective and help in avoiding chronic pain scenarios.
All too often we see patients who have been in auto accidents or suffered from a whiplash injury. These injuries are not forgotten by the body and can manifest with chronic conditions as a person gets older when there is no action taken at the time of the accident. If you have been in an auto accident, suffered from whiplash, or having headaches. Stop thinking about the day that the pain or discomfort will end or will start to be a chronic condition. GET HELP! Get in and see Dr. Steve Baker, Provo Chiropractor, and see how you can feel normal again.
A great way to check if you need help is to ask yourself this question, “Was I born with this?” If your answer is NO, then it is definitely in your best interest to seek treatment for your condition.
Mention this BLOG and receive a FREE half-hour massage if you have been in an auto accident in the last 45 days. If you have not been in an auto accident, but maybe have some aches and pains or suffered from a different type of whiplash injury. Mention this and receive treatment for only $10. Call 801-210-0669 and schedule an appointment with Baker Chiropractic in Provo Utah.