Many people believe that if the pain is not there then they are “fine”. This is a superstition by all accounts. Don’t wait, it is important that you are looked at by a professional after an auto accident. Our accident centers specialize in this type of care.
Also remember that it typically takes a few days for the full extent of the pain to kick in, and having support when you need it, right after an accident will increase your chance of preventing chronic pain.
There are people that think after their Auto Accident that when the pain fades or the pain pills kick in they are better. I relate that theory to this: Many people have cancer (problems) many years before the pain sets in. Then when the pain hits…they are dead weeks or months later. Your body is very good at hiding or masking problems. Many people “work” through the pain. This is not a good plan.
There have been studies that show chronic pain after an Auto Accident sets in 2 years after the accident. At this point, it is too late to try and prove what caused the pain. Even if you are sure it is from the accident.
Every person in an insured car here in Utah has a minimum of $3,000 for medical treatment after an Auto Accident. This money does not come to you if you do not use it and it does not benefit your premium to not get checked.
Using your medical coverage does NOT affect your insurance rates.
Medical services can be used for Chiropractic, Massage, Acupuncture, Rehab therapy and any other medical service deemed necessary for getting back to your pre-accident health. Auto Accidents can be traumatic, but getting back to health does not have to be. Find out why we are the best solution for your health after an Auto Accident Call 801-701-8222 today. We assist people in many cities in Utah including Provo, American Fork, Spanish Fork, and West Valley.